The special edition 2020 yearbook is ready to go to print! The 2020 special edition yearbook is ready to print! Yay! Here’s a sneak preview of the 100 page yearbook that some busy bees have been working on behind the scenes!!Don’t forget….Orders must be in by Friday…
Corrigeenroe N.S Active at Home Week Hi Everyone, We hope you are all keeping well? This week we have put together some P.E. activities and challenges for you to try out at home. We have tried to pick activities that you can do on your own, with your family or even with […]
For our Communion children
A message from Bishop Doran for 6th Class…
A letter from Father Julian
Letter to our infant parents
Scríobh Leabhar competition
3rd & 4th Class entered and these wonderful children won prizes. Congratulations! Wonderful work by everyone.
We hope everyone is keeping safe and well… we’ve lots of ideas and nice things to do up on our Facebook page so pop over and see!
Hello from us all in Corrigeenroe NS