Please find the new parental complaints procedure that outlines the steps that must be followed in the event of a complaint. Parental Complaints Procedure CNS 2025
3rd & 4th Class take some time out to explore Derryvunny Woods
Hope Shoe Boxes – the kindness is alive and well in Corrigeenroe
Reminder for parents of 6th Class children
5th & 6th Class projects on Famous Irish People
First Aid Workshop for the whole school
We are very proud of all our ‘Little Heroes’ who completed the First Aid workshops today. We all learned something new! 🚑🏥💉🚑🏥💉🚑🏥💉🚑🏥💉🚑🏥💉🚑🏥💉
Science Week
During Science Week 5th & 6th Class designed a new town that they would like to live in… Here’s James’ design… look at that detail… We’ll done James!
Something for us all to think about…
Winter Smiles on the Senior Yard…
It was a cold, wintery day today in Corrigeenroe but the boys and girls still had fun outside getting fresh air during break time!
🎓🌎🌈 Farewell to the Class of 2020… 🎓🌎🌈
Last night our wonderful 6th Class students gathered for the last time to say farewell and celebrate their graduation as the Class of 2020… They are a class that will go down in history, all children will for the experiences they’ve had during this pandemic. 6th Class were particularly hard hit as they missed so […]