School Closures March 2020

With the announcement of schools closing due to COVID 19 (corona virus), one of our teacher colleagues put together a list on how to keep some level of school work and/or normality going (we’ve tweaked it a little for the children of Corrigeenroe).

1) Don’t worry too much about progression on new topics, one of the best things we can do is take out the maths book and go over old topics. Especially tables!!!

2) Join Mathletics. This is a website packed full of maths games. Children can play against each other and work on all the skills that they will have already covered this year!!

Hit the button is also a great Maths website/app and good fun too!

3) Read, Read, Read. This is the best time for children to read as much as they can.

4) If your children are older, there are some excellent websites for coding. There’s loads and loads of tutorials online

5) Pick a topic (a country would be great!) and get the children to research and put together a project. This could be done the old fashioned way or using powerpoint or Prezi

These can all be presented when we’re back at school.

6) Scoilnet Primary is another website with a wealth of worksheets and topics for researching.

7) Take 5 mins the night before to have things ready and make a plan for the next day. Write the list out and let them at it. Don’t over load them. As teachers, we believe that reading and maths are the most important. They can catch up on the rest. Keep them practicing their tables/maths facts and developing their confidence in reading – working on their vocabulary, fluency, decoding and comprehension skills over and over…

And lots of fresh air 😁

School Closures March 2020

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